PyTorch has sort of became one of the de facto standards for creating Neural Networks now, and I love its interface. Yet, it is somehow a little difficult for beginners to get a hold of.

I remember picking PyTorch up only after some extensive experimentation a couple of years back. To tell you the truth, it took me a lot of time to pick it up but am I glad that I moved from Keras to PyTorch._ With its high customizability and pythonic syntax, _PyTorch is just a joy to work with, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to do some heavy lifting with Deep Learning.

So, in this PyTorch guide, I will try to ease some of the pain with PyTorch for starters and go through some of the most important classes and modules that you will require while creating any Neural Network with Pytorch.

But, that is not to say that this is aimed at beginners only as I will also talk about the high customizability PyTorch provides and will talk about custom Layers, Datasets, Dataloaders, and Loss functions.

So let’s get some coffee ☕ ️and start it up.

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The Most Complete Guide to PyTorch for Data Scientists
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