A Utility Complete CSS Framework for less than 45kb (8kb Gzipped)

Why build with Bonsai

Bonsai CSS is a super lightweight, fully responsive, utlity complete framework. All you need to build beautifully crafted web interfaces with ease.

  • A utility complete CSS framework solution
  • Classless base styling of semantic HTML elements
  • All packed inside a gzipped size of just 8kb
  • Drop n Build - No compiling required

Classless Base Element Styling

Before you even start adding class or style attributes, Bonsai CSS applies a base styling to your semantic HTML elements. Simply load Bonsai CSS in to your project and your base HTML elements will be beautifully styled with zero effort.

Utility Complete CSS

In terms of CSS frameworks, utilities commonly refer to a CSS class which applies a single CSS property to an element. For example a class name of .bg-green would apply background-color: green to that element. A Utility Complete framework provide a complete set of utilites for the majority of CSS properties.

  • Super quick protyping with out leaving your HTML
  • CSS size remains constant as your project grows

There is nothing new about the concept of utility complete CSS and today you will find any number of utility first frameworks to pick from. What is unique about Bonsai however, is how these utilities are implemented. Traditionally utility complete frameworks include a rule for every common CSS property/value combination. Not only does this result in an incredibly large CSS filesize it also means you are restricted to a set number of property/value combinations as defined by the framework developers. Bonsai CSS uses a different approach. Instead utilities are defined by just the property and you the developer define the value. Not only is the resulting CSS a fraction of the size, you also have full access to the CSS spec for each property.

Style based utilities
<div style="--bg:var(--dark)"><div>
<div style="--bg:#2A2A2A"><div>
<div style="--bg:rgb(42,42,42)"><div>
<div style="--bg:rgba(0,0,0,.8)"><div>

Responsive design and media queries

Where relavent utilities can be applied conditionally to each screensize. This allows you to apply utilities to specific screen size making responsive design a walk in the park.

By default there are four breakpoints set in correspondance with the most common device resolutions.

/* Small '-sm' */
@media (min-width: 640px) { ... }

/* Medium '-md' */
@media (min-width: 768px) { ... }

/* Large '-lg' */
@media (min-width: 1024px) { ... }

/* Extra Large '-xl' */
@media (min-width: 1280px) { ... }

To assign a utility to a set screensize breakpoint simply prepend with a - followed by the breakpoint shorthand name. Media queries by default use a mobile-first approach, which as it sounds is designing for the smallest screen and working your way up.

Consider the following example where --d is the Bonsai utility for the display CSS property. Button is disply:block by default. display:none from medium size screens up.

<button style="--d:block; --d-md:none">Only visible on small screens</button>

This is image title

Download Details:

Author: bonsaicss

Demo: https://www.bonsaicss.com/

Source Code: https://github.com/bonsaicss/bonsai.css

#css #programming

A Utility Complete CSS Framework for less than 45kb (8kb Gzipped)
6.30 GEEK