A virtual kanban board built as a hackathon project for the Mintbean.io Javascript Olympics



Delegando is a lightweight, virtual kanban board that runs in your bowser. All data is saved to your browser’s local storage, so there are no accounts or server lag. It is purely a client side application.

Delegando was built in three days during the Mintbean.io Javascript Olympics Hackathon by Ajay Rajamani, Daniel Yee, and Daniel Chau. We hope you enjoy using Delegando!


The app was built using React and Redux. Under the contraints of the hackathon, no data could be stored on a back end database of any kind. In order to persist user data, we utilized Redux as a de-facto front end “database”, and saved the contents of the redux store to local storage at every update.

	//App.jsx, updates on every Redux state change

	class App extends React.Component {

		// App is a connected component with prop "state" that contains the entire redux store

		save() {
			let storage = window.localStorage;

			//Don't save the store to disk when it is initializing and empty
			if (this.props.state) {
				let data = JSON.stringify(this.props.state);
				storage.setItem("data", data);


		render() {

			//Save the contents of the redux store to disk on every re-render


Local storage data is then loaded as pre-loaded state into Redux on startup.

	// index.js

	// ...

	// Initialize state
	let storage = window.localStorage;
	let state = JSON.parse(storage.getItem('data'));

	//Create a Redux store with the preloaded state
	let store = configureStore(state);

	//Render the App

			<Provider store={store}>
      	<App />

	// ...

If you wish to clear your local board data, simply run localStorage.data = null in the developer console.

In order to give objects (boards, columns, and notes) unique object id’s, we stored a nextId key in each slice of Redux state. That key is accessed whenever a new object of that type is created and then incremented in a Redux action.

	//Sample Redux state:
			boards: {1: {…}, nextId: 2}
				1: {title: "To Do", notes: Array(0), id: 1}
				2: {title: "In Progress", notes: Array(0), id: 2}
				3: {title: "Done", notes: Array(0), id: 3}
				4: {title: "Staged", notes: Array(0), id: 4},
				nextId: 5

	//Notice the use of "nextId" keys to denote the next availible object Id

	//Whenever a new object is created, that key is accessed by the associated reducer


		export default function columnsReducer(state = {}, action) {

			let column;
			let newColumn; 
			let newState; 

			switch (action.type) {
					// First, let's get the next availible object id
					let id = state.nextId;

					// create our new column object
					column = Object.assign({}, action.column, { id: id });

					//Duplicate the current state and add our new column object
					return Object.assign(


						{ [id]: column }, // Our new object, namespaced under its new id

						{ nextId: id + 1 } //Increment the next availible id by 1

		// ...

Download Details:

Author: stickmanbob

Demo: https://stickmanbob.github.io/Delegando/#/

Source Code: https://github.com/stickmanbob/Delegando


A virtual kanban board built as a hackathon project for the Mintbean.io Javascript Olympics
2.40 GEEK