If you’ve been using Angular for your web projects I’m glad to let you know that following this major update to version 10.0.0 the front-end framework created by Google officially deprecates support for Internet Explorer 9, 10 and Internet Explorer Mobile.

So here’s shortlist of the most important changes:

  • Deprecating support for IE 9, 10 and IE Mobile
  • TSLib updated to version 2, TypeScript to 3.9 and TSLint to v6
  • New Date Range Picker
  • Warnings about CommonJS imports
  • Optional Stricter Settings

Deprecating support for IE 9, 10 and IE Mobile

According to the official blog post, the team behind Angular let us know that after a heavy consultation with the community they decided to officially deprecate support for IE 9, 10 and Internet Explorer Mobile. This comes as a welcoming change for the developers especially for those who wasted countless hours to offer support for these old browsers.

TSLib updated to version 2, TypeScript to 3.9 and TSLint to v6

These were some expected updates in order to keep Angular up to date with the Javascript ecosystem. Though following these changes the project layout has also been updated by adding an additional tsconfig.json file to better support IDEs and build tooling resolve type and package configurations.

New Date Range Picker

This is one of the few updates regarding components and layout. Angular Material comes with a brand new date range picker for the datepicker component.

Angular 10 new date range picker demo

Check out the official documentation for the new Angular date range picker.

Warnings about CommonJS imports

This is a welcoming update which helps developers by warning them when a dependency packaged with CommonJS could result in larger and slower applications, allowing them to change an ECMAScript module bundle.

CommonJS Angular 10 Warnings Example

CommonJS is a module formatting system which helps you structure and organize your JavaScript code. It is heavily influenced by NodeJS’s module management. You can read more about CommonJS on the official website.

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Angular 10 - Deprecating Support for IE 9, 10 and IE Mobile
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