Our next generation of Flutter, built for web, mobile, and desktop

You must’ve heard Flutter has released its second update last week on March 3, 2021. As the Google itself claims that this version is fully dedicated to developer’s experience that is why the new version has developers oriented functionalities.

Flutter 2.0 is packed with new capabilities and improved experiences with brand new and the existing features.

What’s New in Flutter 2 ?

There are many new and exciting features in the new release, let’s look at them one by one.

Web Support of Flutter

In the earlier version of Flutter, the foundation of the web was document centric. But, the web platform is already evolved by using a very dynamic richer platforms and APIs. Keeping that in mind Flutter new release build on these innovations which offers and app-centric framework.

By adding the Canvas Kit powered rendering engine built with Web Assembly and Flutter Plasma, a demo built by community member Felix Blaschke, Flutter 2.0 made a lot of progress on performance optimization which ultimately showcase the ease of building sophisticated web graphics experiences with Dart and Flutter that can also run natively on desktop or on mobile devices.

#dart #mobile-apps #flutter #web-development

What’s New In Flutter 2?
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