It’s been a relatively quiet week for Java news, especially in the core Java and OpenJDK projects.

After a flurry of new and updated Draft JEPs recently, this week had only a small amount of JEP news: the new renderer for MacOS has been targeted at Java 17.

Elsewhere in OpenJDK, Early Access binaries for Mission Control became available. This popular GUI for visualizing JDK Flight Recorder details has had a major overhaul and looks very promising.

In the wider ecosystem, Payara recently hosted a panel discussion entitled “Minimising Security Risks When Developing your Applications” featuring Rudy De Busscher (Payara), Brian Vermeer (Snyk), and Stefan Liesche (IBM).

Kevin Sutter reports that with the recent update to the EE4J Parent POM, the processing for Jakarta EE 9.1 has been initiated and the first RC for the APIs has been produced. As per the 9.1 Release Plan, there are no updates to the Jakarta EE component APIs in 9.1. Instead, release 9.1 is strictly to change the baseline runtime to Java SE 11. The new APIs are available now as Maven artifacts.

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Java News Roundup - Week of Feb 22nd, 2021
1.30 GEEK