In this article, we discuss how to reduce your AWS costs and therefore slash your AWS Kubernetes bill, no matter if you run K8s on your own or use EKS.

If your AWS Kubernetes bill went way over your budget this month, it’s not your fault. Typically, companies go over their cloud budgets by 23% (Flexera).

Cloud providers aren’t exactly helping here. The bills are long, complicated, and hard to understand. AWS has 150+ types of EC2 instances available so how are you supposed to make sense of it all?

This article is packed with tips for reducing your AWS costs, no matter if you run K8s on your own or use EKS.

Article Outline
  • A quick guide to AWS pricing

  • Start by understanding your AWS Kubernetes bill

  • 8 best practices to reduce your AWS bill

    1. Define your requirements
    2. Choose the right instance type
    3. Verify storage transfer limitations
    4. Check if your workload is spot-ready
    5. Cherry-pick spot instances
    6. Bid your price on the spot
    7. Use mixed instances
    8. Make multiple availability zones work for you
  • Or just automate it

Note: While writing this article, AWS introduced changes to its offer. We will be updating it on a regular basis.

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8 Best Practices To Reduce Your AWS Bill for Kubernetes
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