Today’s tutorial demonstrates how to build your own chatbot using Python! Chatbots are one of the most popular applications of artificial intelligence. Chatbots are software that utilizes AI and NLP to guide a human to the desired outcome as a response to what they want. Chatbots are found in tremendous amounts on websites, for customer support, on social media, in applications and countless other platforms.

Great Learning brings you this tutorial on “Build your own chatbot using Python” to help you understand this topic comprehensively and getting started on the journey to learn about it well. This video starts with an introduction to the chatbot, followed by discussing its types. Then we look at the top applications of chatbots. Following this, we will understand the architecture of chatbots and how they work. Finally, we take up a hands-on demo to make a chatbot with Python! This video discusses chatbots with a variety of concepts and a demonstration to help you get started on the right foot.

  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:01:58 Agenda
  • 00:03:57 Did you know?
  • 00:08:24 Introduction to chatbots
  • 00:16:57 Types of chatbots
  • 00:22:11 Top applications of chatbots
  • 00:28:03 Architecture of chatbots
  • 00:33:37 How does a chatbot work?
  • 00:45:12 Hands-on Demo with Python
  • 01:02:58 Summary

#chatbot #python

Build Your Own Chatbot using Python | Python Tutorial for Beginners in 2021
5.10 GEEK