Every day there are thousands of new mobile apps landing on the App Store.

While companies are looking for options to develop apps within a short time and limited budget. The native mobile app development for iOS or Android always requires two different tech stack which results in the two different teams and higher cost. This is the reason, companies started looking for the cross-platform solutions.In this post, we will see the potential impact of Flutter on native iOS development and why iOS developers should pay attention to it.

What is Flutter

Just in case, if you haven’t heard about Flutter. Flutter is an open-source, multi-platform, mobile SDK which can be used to build iOS and Android apps with the same source code. Flutter was around since long. But it has started getting more attention since Google I/O 2018 when Google announced release preview of Flutter. At the Flutter Live on 4th December 2018, Google announced the first stable version of Flutter with loads of new features.At the moment, you can see Flutter as React Native but with the full support of native features. If you’re curious to learn more, check my detailed comparison of the Flutter vs React Native.

Flutter vs Native iOS App Development

The native iOS app development has become more interesting especially with the rise of the Swift programming language. The apps developed with native technologies especially Swift are very slick and fast. On the other side, the apps developed with cross-platform solutions can be easily spotted and it feels like there is something missing. However, since Flutter apps landed in the App Store, there is no way to spot that the apps were built with Flutter. The apps feel so slick, native and smooth.

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Why Should iOS Developers Pay Attention to Flutter
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