A beautifully designed and Open Source React Native Framework


Galio is one of the coolest UI libraries you could ever use, licensed under MIT. Carefully crafted by developers for developers. Ready-made components, typography, and a gorgeous base theme that is easily adaptable to each project.

Try our showcase app, built with the help of our cool community! galio-starter-kit

Quick Start

1. Library instructions

Use our awesome components inside your own projects by running:

npm install galio-framework


yarn add galio-framework

Import our UI components to your screens:

import { Block, Button, Card, Icon, Input, NavBar, Text } from 'galio-framework';

2. galio-starter-kit

galio-starter-kit is an app developed by the community with the main purpose of showcasing what Galio can do. Built with Expo and Galio, the screens are created and maintained by the community. Join and help us build this cool library together!


Under Galio’s belt:

  • Accordion
  • Block
  • Button
  • Card
  • Checkbox
  • Deck Swiper
  • Icon
  • Input
  • NavBar
  • Radio
  • Text
  • Toast notification
  • Slider
  • Switch
  • GalioTheme


The documentation for Galio is hosted at our our website


Reporting Issues

We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for Galio. Here are some advices for our users that want to report an issue:

  1. Make sure that you are using the latest version of Galio. Check for your fork’s master branch status and see if it’s up to date with the upstream/master (our repository)
  2. Provide us with reproductible steps for the issue.
  3. Some issues may be platform specific, so specifying what platform and if it’s a simulator or a hardware device will help a lot.

Download Details:

Author: galio-org

Live Demo: https://galio.io/

GitHub: https://github.com/galio-org/galio

#react-native #programming #react

A beautifully designed and Open Source React Native Framework
30.40 GEEK