Like many of you, I’m completely gutted by the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg; and am still trying to wrap my head around what this loss means for our future and our rights given the malignant forces in this world. And, as I often do, I turn to programming as a “happy place” to find comfort - a place where form follows function, up is up, down is down, and things generally make logical sense.

And so, this morning, I wanted to try something that was discussed on the Shadows episode of the CSS podcast: the ability to create pixel art using nothing but a single CSS box-shadow property. This moment of meditation seems especially fitting given that fact that I often confuse “RGB” (Red, Green, Blue) and RBG (Ruth, Bader, Ginsburg).

#coldfusion #html / css

Creating Pixel-Art Of Ruth Bader Ginsburg Using CSS Box-Shadow In Lucee CFML
1.05 GEEK