One of the tasks that could be confusing for a beginner starting out with Python on the Windows Operating System (OS) is creating a virtual environment for projects.

In this article, we will go through how to create a virtual environment for a Django project in Windows 10

virtualenv : is a Python tool used for creating isolated environments. This separates each project from another so that the tools and actions active in one project environment do not have an effect in another environment except they are installed or activated in the other environment.


  1. Have a computer that has Windows OS
  2. Have Python distribution installed on your computer already

Table of Content

  1. Install Virtualenv
  2. Locate where Python is installed on your PC
  3. Create a virtual Python Environment for your Project
  4. Activating the Virtual Environment
  5. Create a Django Project

#beginners #django #virtual environment

Setting up a virtual environment for your Django Project
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