an end-2-end instruction to master your PostgreSQL-12 database cluster with backup & restore, replication & switch-over on Ubuntu 20.10

PostgreSQL claims to be the “world’s most advanced open source database” for very good reasons. It’s core technical capabilities, performance and operational options are amongst any of the commercial big players and make it a very reasonable and cost-effective fit for any starting-up or well established business that needs to store and manage data.

This article provides a pretty comprehensive perspective on this wonderful database product from installation, configuration, backup & recovery via barman 2.11, replication & switch-over using repmgr 5.0.0 on Ubuntu 20.10. However this article focuses on “getting things done”, so it focuses on the relevant steps & commands instead of backgrounds and detailed explanations. Let’s go, we’ve got a lot to cover !


We’ll use three physical or virtual machines, database-1database-2 and a backup machine, each of them running on ubuntu 20.10 and connected to an attached storage mounted to /backup

#postgres #repmgr #ubuntu #database #barman

Database operational excellence with PostgreSQL 12
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