Java is one of the top five programming languages and here is here to stay. Java is used enterprise applications, backend services, websites, embedded controllers, and Android app development. This tutorial will help you learn Java Programming in a simple and effective manner so you won’t face any difficulty

⭐️Time Stamps⭐️

(00:00:00​) Java tutorial for beginners 
(00:20:26​) variables 
(00:32:58​) swap two variables 
(00:36:42​) user input 
(00:44:40​) expressions 
(00:49:13​) GUI intro 
(00:55:01​) Math class 
(01:01:08​) random numbers 
(01:05:39​) if statements 
(01:11:51​) switches 
(01:16:36​) logical operators 
(01:24:33​) while loop 
 (01:28:13​) for loop 
(01:32:23​) nested loops 
(01:38:28​) arrays 
(01:44:54​) 2D arrays 
(01:52:59​) String methods 
(01:59:18​) wrapper classes 
(02:06:30​) ArrayList 
(02:11:02​) 2D ArrayList 
(02:17:35​) for-each loop 
(02:21:20​) methods 
(02:32:24​) overloaded methods 
(02:38:03​) printf 
 (02:49:25​) final keyword 
(02:51:24​) objects (OOP) 
(03:01:36​) constructors 
(03:11:36​) variable scope 
(03:16:39​) overloaded constructors 
(03:24:04​) toString method 
(03:30:08​) array of objects 
(03:35:48​) object passing 
(03:40:27​) static keyword 
(03:48:10​) inheritance 
(03:53:45​) method overriding 
(03:57:33​) super keyword 
(04:05:06​) abstraction 
(04:10:01​) access modifiers 
(04:19:39​) encapsulation 
(04:27:30​) copy objects 
(04:34:03​) interface 
(04:41:19​) polymorphism 
(04:46:55​) dynamic polymorphism 
(04:55:13​) exception handling 
(05:02:31​) File class 
(05:09:15​) FileWriter (write to a file) 
(05:12:30​) FileReader (read a file) 
(05:17:04​) audio 
(05:27:34​) GUI 
(05:39:41​) labels 
(05:57:01​) panels 
(06:09:57​) buttons 
(06:23:50​) BorderLayout 
(06:34:53​) FlowLayout 
(06:42:21​) GridLayout 
(06:47:12​) LayeredPane 
(06:55:20​) open a new GUI window 
(07:05:39​) JOptionPane 
(07:17:30​) textfield 
(07:27:01​) checkbox 
(07:35:23​) radio buttons 
(07:45:42​) combobox 
(07:55:37​) slider 
(08:08:08​) progress bar 
(08:18:46​) menubar 
(08:33:27​) select a file 
(08:42:25​) color chooser 
(08:48:45​) KeyListener 
(09:01:21​) MouseListener 
(09:12:32​) drag and drop 
 (09:26:48​) key bindings 
(09:38:57​) 2D graphics 
(09:58:33​) 2D animation 
(10:15:14​) generics 
(10:36:43​) serialization 
(10:57:21​) TimerTask 
(11:08:36​) threads 
(11:24:01​) multithreading 
(11:38:44​) packages 
(11:42:49​) compile/run command prompt 
(11:50:51​) executable (.jar) 


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Java Full Course For Beginners (π™π™§π™šπ™š)
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