Growing momentum for the leading UI toolkit for multiplatform development

At Google I/O today, we announced  Flutter 2.2 , our latest release of the open source toolkit for building beautiful apps for any device from a single platform. Flutter 2.2 is the best version of Flutter yet, with updates that make it easier than ever for developers to monetize their apps through in-app purchases, payments and ads; to connect to cloud services and APIs that extend apps to support new capabilities; and with tooling and language features that allow developers to eliminate a whole class of errors, increase app performance and reduce package size.

Building on the foundation of Flutter 2

Flutter 2.2 is built on the foundation of Flutter 2, which extended Flutter from its mobile roots to incorporate web, desktop, and embedded usage. It is uniquely designed for a world of ambient computing, where users have a wide variety of different devices and form factors and are looking for consistent experiences that span across their daily lives. With Flutter 2.2, enterprises, startups, and entrepreneurs alike can build high-quality solutions that can reach the full potential of their addressable market, allowing creative inspiration (rather than target platform) to be the only limiting factor.

Flutter is now the most popular framework for cross-platform development.

A recent mobile developer study highlights the growth of Flutter. Analyst firm  SlashData’s  Mobile Developer Population Forecast 2021 shows that Flutter is now the most popular framework for cross-platform development, with 45% of developers selecting it, representing 47% growth between Q1 2020 and Q1 2021. Our own data confirms this shift towards Flutter; in the last 30 days, more than one in eight of the new apps in the Play Store are built with Flutter.

At I/O, we shared that there are now over 200,000 apps in the Play Store alone built using Flutter. These apps come from companies like Tencent, whose  WeChat messaging app is used by over 1.2 billion users on iOS and Android;  ByteDance, originators of TikTok, who have now built 70 distinct apps using Flutter; and other apps from companies including  BMW,  SHEIN,  Grab and  DiDi. Of course, Flutter isn’t just used by large corporations. Some of the most innovative apps are coming from names you might not have heard of: for example,  Wombo, the viral singing selfie app;  Fastly, the intermittent fasting app, and  Kite, a beautiful investment trading app.

#flutter #google #programming #ui

Announcing Flutter 2.2 at Google I/O 2021
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