In the previous article, we discussed the Gateway to your single server deployment (example: webserver). In this section, we shall continue with Input and Core Infrastructure.

Input for single-server deployment

When you talk about Data for your organization, it covers all three things, “People, Process, and Technology”. More details for the “Streaming and Sourcing Layer” can be found in a separate section (will update the link soon).

**_People: The Who. _**Producers and Consumers of data.

**_Process: The How. _**How the data is curated and put to use.

**_Technology: The What: _**What technologies are used to fetch, process, pass on and store.

Data: While People, Process and Technology is the golden triangle, if you think about it, the very reason the entire state-of-the-art ecosystem exists is merely to get the raw data to a usable form.

1. Data catalog

Any great state-of-art ecosystem is a waste if the data in need for consumers cannot be discovered and from the Producers side, if data cannot be documented/tagged properly that makes it useable for the consumers or end-users. Azure Data Catalog helps to bridge this gap of making the data correctly discoverable by fixing the traditional problems for both consumers and producers and also helps organizations to get the best value out of their existing information assets.

2. Streaming

While we will discuss more as part of the sourcing section, we shall cover the basics of streaming.

1/ Queue Storage

2/ Service Bus

3/ Event Hubs

4/ Event Grid

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Azure Series #2: Single Server Deployment (Input)
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