One thing is certain: If you’re an enterprise, you either are using the cloud or soon will be in some capacity. Odds are that your organization is well on its way to being a hybrid cloud user. A 2021 Statista survey of 750 enterprises found that 82% had adopted a hybrid cloud computing strategy.

This hybrid adoption statistic does not mean, however, that the private cloud vs. public cloud question is neatly decided simply by adopting a mix of both cloud flavors. Rather, it means that deployment architectures are complex, evolve quickly and that it makes no sense to decide cloud architecture in a “one-and-done” fashion.

In fact, we’d argue that right now things are happening in the cloud technology stack that unleash new potentials. After years of global trending toward greater public cloud adoption, these new dynamics are changing cloud economics, revitalizing the idea of private cloud, offering new strategic options for managing public cloud and enabling new takes on bare-metal models such as edge, IoT and “bare-metal cloud” offerings.

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Private vs. Public Cloud: How Kubernetes Shifts the Balance
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