How to send an object array from c# to javascript?

Im trying to send an array that contains some objects via connection made in SignalR, the connection is not a problem, everything works fine. When the data arrives to the view it is no longer the array i need to use. This is the class:

public class Empresa
        public string nombre { get; set; }
        public int vidID { get; set; }
        public string img64 { get; set; }
        public string color { get; set; }

At the end the object will be something like this:

The object is send to the view and this is the output:

I have already tried with JsonConvert.SerializeObjectas i found on other threads, yet it doesnt seems to work. I tried to convert the data send with this jQuery.parseJSON(data) (Left) and with this JSON.parse(data)(Right); it throws an error on both cases as seen in the picture below.

I’m not sure if it is that way because the object sended is made this way:

private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, Empresa> _ar1 = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Empresa>();

var data = new List<Empresa>
new Empresa{nombre =“Globex Corp”,color=“red”,vidId=1, img=“” },
new Empresa{nombre =“AM”,color=“blue”,vidId=2, img=“” }
for(int i = 0; i<=6; i++)
_ar1.TryAdd(data[i].vidID, data[i]);

This is inside other function but it is the next one that involves the data send.

public IEnumerable<Empresa> GetArreglo()
return _ar1;

So far im not sure what could be wrong or if i need to aproach a different solution. If any more info is needed ill post it. And even it is obvious im a newby still learning on this.

#javascript #c-sharp #jquery #json

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