Indian developers enjoy great popularity in the world. But still, when it comes to choosing the right developer, many of us are tend to mistake here. Isn’t it true? Yes, this is the reality.

According to web development stat, you won’t believe it; around 90% of companies fail to hire the right developer. There are certain areas where you have to be careful, like experience, technical expertise, and more.

Though it’s not as tough as it seems, just ask the important questions while hiring. This blog will share a meaningful set of questions that you should ask when hiring an Indian developer.

So, let’s peek into the questions that you should while hiring any Indian developer.

  1. Can you provide some of your recent works?
    The best you should do first is check their some recent works. It will give you an idea about their work quality. Take an in-depth look at it and also check whether it’s the developer’s work or someone else did this. Yes, there are many cases where developers show fake sample which is done by others.

For audit, you can ask the sample he/she has shared. You will identify it immediately with the replies or speaking tone. If this goes well, analyze the quality again and proceed further.

Remember, if the developer is hesitating to share samples or has less work to show, he/she is less experienced.

  1. What is your technical expertise?
    No discussion is complete in the developer’s world without technical expertise. A good developer holds good knowledge in trending technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, and more. Along with this knowledge, the web and app platforms on which they are working.

Generally, Indian developers are proficient in developing websites and application using:
React Native
Node JS

So, make sure whether they hold expertise in these platforms or not because these are the most advanced plus trending platforms of the IT world.

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  1. How much time will you take?
    Nothing is more important than the time, so always ask the project delivery timeline. It should be neither late nor too quick. Generally, a website, application, or software takes 6-to 9 months. Though the website can be developed quicker than apps and software, it takes around 4-5 months.

So, keep this timeline in mind and make sure it will not get extended more. If you need a quick launch, share your requirements and decide the fair time suitable for both the parties (developer and you). In this way, you can expect an on-time project completion without any quality compromise.

Well, I will suggest you follow the general timeline as there can be a quality issue if you want the developer to fast. Better to wait a bit more and get the quality results.

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  1. Will I able to edit the website if required?

With the technological advancement, it has become more accessible for a non-technical person to make some modifications. CMS platforms like WordPress are easy to get started and make changes.

In India, most of the developers are working on WordPress CMS, and it gives you a potent reason to work with them. So, always ask that the websites you will get developed allows you major editing access or not? Because every time, it makes no sense to hire a developer to edit the content and image. It’s not even financially viable.

When you can edit by own or need no assistance, then go for it. But if you find it tedious to do you can surely hire web programmers at a fractional cost to save your bugs.

  1. What cost will you charge?
    Perhaps, the most important thing while hiring any developer is the development cost. According to the survey, Indian developers charge 40-50% fewer development changes than the other countries worldwide.

Though knowing the charge is vital but also keep the quality in mind. Many charge less, but service quality is very poor. So, don’t go for the one who charges too little or high; always choose the cost-effective one.

Indian developers generally charge around $15 to $25, so keep this range in mind then proceed further.

  1. What kind of support do you offer?

After the project completion, you may face difficulties like bugs and all where you need guidance. For this, make sure your developer is ready to support a specific warranty period and have this assurance in writing.

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  1. Can your old clients recommend you?
    The next important question comes to know their sample’s authenticity. Ask the developer to share the client details, who can recommend him/her services. It will build a sense of trust, and you can hire them. Also, if possible, connect with their past clients and know their experience.

If the developer cannot share the details, it puts a question mark on the credibility. So, ask them to share client details and inquire about every possible plus significant thing you can. It will always help you in hiring the right developer for your project.

  1. How can I contact you?
    When you think that you have finally got the right developer, you should know his/her contact process next. Yes, communication is the key to the success of any project, especially when you are miles away from your developer.

Make sure you have an active communication process and know the platforms where you can connect. The media that developers generally use are Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, E-mail, and Phone call.

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Wrapping Up!

So, all these are the questions that you should ask before you hire indian programmers. Though, if you want to add more, you can do it. Working with Indian developers always proves beneficial without compromising budget and quality. Including this, they always ensure on-time delivery, and that’s what every client aspect.

With these questions, you are guaranteed to get the best Indian developer for your project who will take your business to great heights. If you want to know more about it or suggest anything, let me know in the comment section.

Go Ahead & Good Luck!

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Top Questions To Ask While Hiring Indian Developers
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