In this meetup, Claus Rørbech, software engineer on the Realm Android team, will walk us through some of the constraints of the RealmJava SDK, the thought process that went into the decision to build a new SDK for Kotlin, the benefits developers will be able to leverage with the new APIs, and how the RealmKotlin SDK will evolve.

In this 50-minute recording, Claus spends about 35 minutes presenting an overview of the Realm Kotlin Multiplatfrom. After this, we have about 15 minutes of live Q&A with Ian, Nabil and our Community. For those of you who prefer to read, below we have a full transcript of the meetup too. As this is verbatim, please excuse any typos or punctuation errors!

Throughout 2021, our Realm Global User Group will be planning many more online events to help developers experience how Realm makes data stunningly easy to work with. So you don’t miss out in the future, join our Realm Global Community and you can keep updated with everything we have going on with events, hackathons, office hours, and (virtual) meetups. Stay tuned to find out more in the coming weeks and months.


Realm Meetup - Realm Kotlin Multiplatform for Modern Mobile Apps
15.35 GEEK