What is Tronx Coin (TRONX) | What is TRONX token

Tronx Coin is Blockchain based decentralized crypto currency which runs on Tron Blockchain designed for the file sharing and storage of data. Where we can keep data securely in decentralized cloud storage without third party interference. There will be no issue of loosing data as feared in the centralized cloud storage providers. Tronx Coin holders will have multiple benefits in future. The result is an overall cost reduction for the consumer. Tronx bringing Cloud storage on a public Blockchain network and acts as a distributed, decentralized storage facility that makes it more efficient and cost-effective. Besides this Tronx Coin will also be used for the utility bills, mobile recharges, and various payment methods.


Technology we use

We are working on TRON one of the largest Blockchain- based operating systems in the world. TRON Wallet suppports TRONX on TRON’s Mainnet.


High throughput is achieved by improving the TPS in TRON, which has surpassed Bitcoin and Ethereum, to a daily-use practical degree.


Applications are given a wider variety of ways to be deployed in TRON because of its scalability and highly effective smart contract. It can support enormous numbers of users.

Token Information

Token Name -Tronx Coin

Symbol- Tronx

Blockchan - Tron(TRC20)

Contract Address TA1UcPfy1Tie4SdTKpjwrjdnpBd2WT51Ss

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Looking for more information…

☞ Website
☞ Explorer
☞ Whitepaper
☞ Coinmarketcap

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What is Tronx Coin (TRONX) | What is TRONX token
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