Netdata, the company behind the open source, distributed, real-time, performance and health monitoring platform Netdata Cloud has expanded its ability to monitor Kubernetes. Want to see if it can help you stay on top of what’s what with your Kubernetes clusters? For now, you can use its built-in Helm chart to monitor and troubleshoot unlimited numbers of Kubernetes clusters for free in real-time.

No, that’s not a typo nor is Netdata Cloud a come-on for a freemium sales pitch. The one fly in the ointment is its tracks what’s going on by using agents and for now, most of its features are restricted to a single agent. The name of the game is to show you how valuable Netdata Cloud can be to your company and, someday down the road, they will offer paid infrastructure-wide features. In short, like GitHub and Zoom, Netdata wants to grow its customer base, hoping you’ll find the free services are useful enough to make you want to pay to make it even more useful.


Netdata Cloud Can Now Monitor Kubernetes Clusters for Free in Real-Time
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