I guess most of you already know a bit what Ceres Solver is about. For those of you who haven’t heard about it, Ceres Solver is one of the most popular open-source libraries out there for solving large, complicated optimization problems. One of the highlighted features of Ceres Solver is being able to solve Non-linear Least Squares problems with bounds constraints. It is widely used in Robotics for problems like Bundle Adjustment and SLAM. A collection of users and applications can be found on its official website.
Though Ceres Solver (referred to as Ceres in the rest of the article) has great documentation and hands-on tutorials to help new users get started. I found the information about how to create a new project using Ceres is somewhat hidden in the official guide. And that is exactly what this story is about.

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How to create a C++ project using Ceres Solver?
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