Let me tell you a story about Vue.js. Not just from my perspective as a Vue developer. I will also try to explain some of the many reasons behind why we use Vue.js here at Monterail, and why we recommend it to companies we work with. You will find out why Vue.js is a smart decision from both developer and product owner perspective. I will tell you how we embraced the community and how it led us to make a major contribution to its history by organising the first international Vue conference!


First things first, let me introduce myself. I am a front-end developer, co-curator of vue-newsletter, the author of vue-multiselect and co-author of vuelidate. I’ve been using Vue.js for almost two years now, including commercial purposes. For the past seven months, I’ve been heavily involved in organising VueConf, which – and this is crazy – starts on tomorrow! Our team has also crafted the State of Vue.js report which is yet another milestone in our mission to evangelize developers and businesses.

Why We Use Vue.js

My first encounter with Vue.js happened around the end of 2015 as I was looking for a viable alternative to AngularJS and React. AngularJS already felt outdated back then and I wasn’t a fan of React mostly due to the fact I wasn’t initially sold on the whole JSX idea. Vue got my attention due to its super friendly documentation and over the next couple of months, I researched Vue extensively within several internal projects to see whether it would fit with Monterail’s stack. Surprise, surprise it turned out it fits just right! Finally, I seemed to have found the grail of frameworks — cutting-edge, flexible, and simply beautiful both in terms of internal architecture as well as API.

I was fascinated. Vue has been seeing a tremendous rise in popularity (#2 most starred JS framework on GitHub) since I’ve heard about it for the first time. Although it started out small, it has since been adopted by companies and business entities across the board, big and small, including Alibaba, GitLab, Sainsbury’s, Codeship and Baidu.

I’ve seen dozens of Vue reviews, articles, and comparisons with other libraries and frameworks, and most of them speak with one voice, praising the clean syntax, smooth learning curve, and the general flexibility of the library—and I couldn’t agree more.

#vue.js #culture #js

Why We Love, Use, And Support Vue.js
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