Editable tables are very useful especially in building for Desktops and Larger screen devices. Flutter already has a DataTable widget for building tables, this widget does not allow for editing though it comes with an icon for editing, developers are expected to handle the edit method themselves, however, that is a daunting and undocumented process with no ready to use callbacks to implement.

Hence there is a need for such a package to allow a quick and ready spreadsheet or editable table. I’ve created a  package to do just that which we will be using for this project.


In other to fully grasp and follow through with this article, the following requirements are necessary:

  • Install and setup flutter
  • Create a flutter project

For this article, I already have a flutter desktop setup for windows, you don’t necessarily need to set up for desktop, thanks to flutter, it’s cross-platform compatible.

#flutter #flutter-widget #dart #flutter-ui

How to Create Editable Tables with Flutter
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