Get your microservices up and running on K8s!

Microservices can be a powerful design pattern that allows large teams of developers to deliver code to production without requiring code to be coordinated in a single codebase and released on a common schedule. Deploying these microservices can be a challenge though, as the cost of orchestrating Kubernetes resources and promoting between environments is paid by each individual microservice.

Creating the Deployment Template

If you look at the  YAML that contains all the Kubernetes resource definitions, you will notice a pattern where each deployment is exposed by a matching service. Pairing deployments and services like this is a common practice in Kubernetes deployments, and this pattern is captured by the Deploy Kubernetes containers step in Octopus.

You will also notice that the deployment definitions are largely similar for the majority of the microservices. They all define:

  • A container
  • A port the container is exposed on
  • Resource requests and limits
  • GRPC liveness and readiness probes
  • Environment variables

#microservices #kubernetes #octopus

Deploying a Microservice to Kubernetes With Octopus
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