JavaScript features are always growing and receiving new ones like operators, syntax constructions, expressions. Many that have been introduced in the recent years and some of them are already second nature, like the fat arrow => expression or the object spread ... operator.

JavaScript features start as proposals

All these JavaScript features start as proposals submitted to the TC 39. The Technical Committe 39 is in charge of standardize:

the general purpose, cross platform, vendor-neutral programming language ECMAScript (JavaScript). This includes the language syntax, semantics, and libraries and complementary technologies that support the language.

There are many JavaScript proposals that we can start adding to our flow today, thanks to Babel, the JavaScript compiler. Some of them offer more clarity, like the numerical separator. Others, like the do expressions, introduce the ability to have complex conditionals mixed with React JSX tags.

Let’s look in this article at 5 JavaScript features that are still in the proposal stages but that we can use with Babel, and will significantly improve your coding experience.

#javascript #development #react

5 cutting edge JavaScript features to improve your code
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