Slow systems are a bane of any product. Ask the audience of web applications, and you would know. Research has found that 47% of users expect web pages to be loaded in 2 seconds or less, while 40% of users would abandon a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load¹!

While there are numerous methods to optimize the performance of a web application, we want to focus on the performance of our backend for this discussion. From the backend, the performance of our database queries is “front and center” to the latency of our APIs, which impacts our frontend application’s user experience directly.

And if there are inefficient queries that take a long time to resolve (or timeout), it will be a sore spot that your users will directly experience (and liking be complaining about!).

In the following, I want to touch on a few methodologies and tools that we can easily use to measure and optimize queries in PostgreSQL. I’ll go on further to talk about Cloud SQL’s latest tool, Query Insights, something I am really excited to share for this same topic.

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Monitoring and Optimizing performance in PostgreSQL & Google Cloud SQL
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