The Internet of Things (IoT) presents an exciting challenge to enterprises today. They’re full of a great promise of revolutionizing business, but they present significant performance challenges. The amount of data they generate when widely deployed throughout a network can quickly overwhelm traditional networks and architectures.

To cope with the mountains of data, many IoT platforms are based on cloud platforms and increasingly deployed in hybrid cloud environments. — Which can only help to a certain extent. As IoT works best in real-time, you need a network that can ingest, process, and analyze the data at the same rate on the same scale.

Being able to continually ingest, process, and analyze data from all IoT devices in real-time is vital, but challenging, and potentially, prohibitively expensive. Depending on the number of devices on the network, the cost to optimize them all may be too far out of reach in terms of money and resources available.

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The Secret to Better IoT Performance (and How It Helps)
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