Dotty is the new Scala compiler that is written in Scala 2 and it will be future Scala i.e Scala 3.0. The current version of Dotty is 0.24.0-RC1 and very soon the first stable version will be launched in the market.

Dotty is completely open source and it is available on GitHub.

With this blog, I am going to share you one of New Types that Dotty is coming up with: Intersection Type

An Intersection Type combine multiple types into one which has all the features of the individual types combined. You need to use ampersand & operator to combine the multiple types (like A & B).

Earlier in Scala 2, these were used as compound types A with B. Although, you can still make use of with keyword in Dotty, but internally it is interpreted as & and in future releases of Dotty, with keyword will be deprecated and removed.

Intersection Types in Dotty are commutative which means that A & B is same types as B & A, they both will hold the same values.

Example of Dotty’s Intersection Types –

You can find the complete example of Dotty Intersection Type from here.

In the example, there are two traits namely:

  • ResponseData
  • ErrorHandling

And both the traits have common method whoAmI which is unimplemented. It means that any class who inherits these traits will have to provide the concrete implementation.

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Dotty – Intersection Types
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