After the development of any application, it needs to be hosted on the server. After uploading and configuration of the application, you will be able to access your website through a URL. You also need an SSL certificate to secure the domain URL. But, after installing the SSL certificate the site doesn’t redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. It will allow you to open the website URL through HTTPS. But, you have to put HTTPS before the URL manually. Without having SSL the URL will show not secure in the browser. Generally, in the web application, you can redirect from HTTP to HTTPS using the .htaccess file. But sometimes it doesn’t work properly. Today, in this post, I will show you how you can redirect forcibly from **HTTP to HTTPS **in Laravel 8 application using middleware.

So, let’s begin by creating a new Laravel application here.


  • 1 Prerequisites
  • 2 Create New Project in Laravel 8
  • 3 Create Middleware in Laravel 8
  • 4 Register Middleware in Laravel
  • 5 Check the Result of HTTPS Redirection
  • 6 Redirect HTTPS to Only Production Environment
  • 7 Set the Environment in Laravel Application
  • 8 Final Words
  • 8.1 Share this:
  • 8.2 Like this:
  • 8.3 Related


For creating a new application in Laravel 8, you will require to have the below configuration.

  • PHP >= 7.3
  • MySQL (version > 5)
  • Apache/Nginx Server
  • Composer

Here, I will start with the composer for creating the application.

#laravel 8 #https redirection

Redirect From HTTP to HTTPS in Laravel 8 Using Middleware
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