
The sorting of an array holds a place of immense importance in computer science. Its utility is noticed when there is a need to arrange data in a specific order. There are different kinds of sorting algorithms. The most common and widely used sorting algorithm is the Bubble Sort.

Bubble Sort in C

The technique that is used for sorting in Bubble sort is simple and easy to understand. All it does is compare the current element with the next element and swap it if it is greater or lesser as dictated by the condition. The algorithm is very accurate. Each time an element is compared with other elements until its place is found, it is called a pass.

This algorithm is comparable to bubbles in water as it filters out the top of the array-like bubbles. Among all the algorithms used for sorting, Bubble sort is the easiest and the slowest with time complexity of O(n^2). However, the algorithm can be optimized through the use of a flag variable that exits the loop when swapping is completed. The best case for Bubble sort can be O(n) when the array is sorted.

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C Program For Bubble Sorting: Bubble Sort in C
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