Here, we will see how can we sort our elements using a simple algorithm. Insertion sorting is less efficient on the large lists in comparison to others like  Quicksort,  MergeSort, etc. But it is efficient for simple sets of data. Example: quadratic sorting algorithms. We have already seen the  QuickSort and  Selection Sort in Java.

Insertion Sort In Java

Insertion sort is the simple sorting algorithm that works in such a way that we are sorting play cards in our hands. We start with an empty left side, and the cards laid down on the table.

We then remove one card at a time from the table and insert it into the correct position in the left hand. To find the correct position for a new card, we compare it with the already sorted set of cards in hand, from right to left.

What Insertion sort does is that it removes an item from the  array.

Then it compares it against the largest value in the array moves the element to its correct location.

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Insertion Sort In Java Example | Java Insertion Sort Program
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