Given two linked lists L1 and L2, the task is to print a new list obtained by merging odd position nodes of L1 with the even positioned nodes of L2 alternately.


Input: L1 =  8->5->3->2->10->NULL, L2 = 11->13->1->6->9->NULL
Output: 8->13->3->6->10->NULL 
The odd positioned nodes of L1 are {8, 3, 10} and the even positioned nodes L2 are {13, 6}. 
Merging them alternately generates the linked list 8->13->3->6->10->NULL

Input: L1 = 1->5->10->12->13->19->6->NULL, L2 = 2->7->9->NULL  
Output: 1->7->10->13->6->NULL
The odd positioned nodes of L1 are {1, 10, 13, 6} and the even positioned node of L2 is {7}.
Merging them alternately generates the linked list 1->7->10->13->6->NULL

Approach: Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

#Data Structures #Linked List

Merge odd and even positioned nodes of two Linked Lists alternately
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