COVID-19 has changed everything. That isn’t news. In May 2020, MariaDB conducted a global survey  that looked at the initial COVID-19 impact on businesses moving to the cloud and IT professionals’ attitudes on what has changed - and what they think will change as a result of COVID-19.

One trend we saw is that the global crisis is driving cloud adoption. 40% said COVID-19 is accelerating their move to the cloud. It makes sense. The cloud lets companies increase capacity without investing in hardware and facilities. Additionally, there is less need to add staff if your cloud provider is maintaining the infrastructure and extending the abilities of your existing team. With the disruptions from COVID-19 and the probability of future disruptions, there has never felt like a more urgent time to move into the cloud.

The Promise of the Cloud

The promise of the cloud is flexible solutions on robust hardware with automation, ease of use, and excellent support. Of course, to actually realize the promise, it’s important to choose your cloud provider wisely.

When it comes to moving your database to the cloud (and Gartner, Inc. predicts that by 2022, 75% of all databases will be deployed or migrated to a cloud platform), some things you may want to consider are:

  • What version of software is available?
  • What capabilities are supported? HTAP, Analytical, Transactional, HA?
  • What architecture is being used? Is it secure?
  • How much support is provided?

MariaDB SkySQL, introduced in March 2020, delivers on the promise of the cloud.

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Survey Reveals COVID-19 Driving Cloud Adoption
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