José Valim and I asked developers how they would solve a specific problem in their language of choice. How would you do it?

**Quick Jump: **The Problem Came from a Feature I Was Building | Preparing to Ask for Help | Asking for Help | Asking the Community How They Would Solve It

If you prefer watching video, I recorded a video version of this blog post.

While developing an Elixir application I ran into a slight road block on how to solve a specific problem. It involved a nested loop, updating 2 counters and also updating a Map (a dictionary-like data structure).

This post outlines the specific problem, how I solved it in Python, why I struggled solving it in Elixir (spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with Elixir) and how all of this turned into a project where dozens of folks contributed solutions in dozens of languages.

If you don’t care about the details, here’s the repo with all of the solutions.

#dev-mindset #elixir #flask #javascript #ruby-on-rails

100+ Ways to Solve a Specific Programming Problem in 50+ Languages
1.30 GEEK