If you are reading about Kubernetes or learning about it you should already be familiar with the Kubectl command. If not completely but somewhere at a basic level maybe. Kubernetes is an open-sourced tool which is originally developed by Google and used for automatic deployment and auto-scaling the containerized applications. In this post, we will read about kubectl and how it is used to manage the Kubernetes cluster.

What is kubectl?

It is a powerful command-line tool that is used for running commands against Kubernetes clusters. It interacts with the Kubernetes API and its shared state to deploy and manage applications on the Kubernetes cluster.

How to install and set up kubectl?

There are various ways to install kubectl to your system. One by downloading binary to your OS and make it executable and install it(specifically for windows). The other way is to clone the source code from Github and build the tool using source for reference you can check the Readme file. The most preferred and easy way to do this is to download a ready binary file and execute it to install it into your system.

Let’s see how to install kubectl from binary on different OS

  • Firstly, we need to set up a Kubernetes cluster that can be easily done using http://stakater.com
  • If you are on Mac or Linux you need to install tools like wget and curl.
  • It would be great if you have a basic knowledge of commands like mv, chmod, curl, export.

Become a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)!

The following are the steps to install the latest release of kubectl, this covers installation for Linux, macOS, and windows.

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How to use Kubectl to manage your Kubernetes clusters
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