Do you want to create your own DeFi wallet for your Japan based exchange? If yes, then count on Antier Solutions. The company provides a comprehensive range of DeFi wallet development services to develop a highly secure wallet and avail your users the following services:

  • P2P Lending
  • Swapping
  • Staking
  • Cashout
  • Trading

Antier Solutions’ decentralized crypto wallet is immune to data breaches, follows a stringent security protocol, and can be readily deployed and integrated with trading platforms. Moreover, it supports non-custodial BTC and ETH backed assets followed by easy to use fiat on/off ramps. Get complete details, by contacting our subject matter experts. For more information or schedule a free demo of our white label crypto banking software development, visit our website today.

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How to create your own DeFi wallet in Japan?
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