In this example we are going to forward our PHP-FPM and Nginx logs to Elasticsearch. In order to do that we will be using Fluent-Bit. Our monitoring stack is EFK (Elasticsearch Fluent-Bit Kibana). The reason we are not using FileBeat and Logstash is because Fluent-Bit is very very light weight on system resources. We are talking about barely a few KB/MB compared to hundreds of MBs!!! It has build-in persistence mechanism as well such as memory and filesystem. FileBeat and Logstash solution will require something like Redis for persistence.


PHP-FPM and Nginx logs are being watched by Fluent-Bit then get forwarded to Elasticsearch. As simple as that!

#docker #elasticsearch #nginx #php-fpm

Using Fluent-Bit to forward Docker PHP-FPM and Nginx logs to Elasticsearch
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