1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll look at the _java.lang.NoSuchMethodError _and some ways to handle it.

2. NoSuchMethodError

As the name suggests, the NoSuchMethodError occurs when a particular method is not found. This method can either be an instance method or a static method.

In most cases, we’re able to catch this error at compile-time. Hence, it’s not a big issue. However,** sometimes it could be thrown at runtime**, then finding it becomes a bit difficult. According to the Oracle documentation, this error may occur at runtime if a class has been incompatibly changed.

Hence, we may encounter this error in the following cases. Firstly, if we do just a partial recompilation of our code. Secondly, if there is version incompatibility with the dependencies in our application, such as the external jars.

Note that the NoSuchMethodError inheritance tree includes IncompatibleClassChangeError_ and LinkageError._ These errors are associated with an incompatible class change after compilation.

#java #exception

NoSuchMethodError in Java
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