Editable Table with React | React Editable Table Tutorial

A React component to make the table editable, searchable, sortable just like a database.


  • Resizing columns
  • Cell data types – number, text, select
  • Renaming column headers
  • Sort on individual columns
  • Adding columns to left or right of a column
  • Adding column to end
  • Editing data in cells
  • Adding a new row of data
  • Deleting a column
  • Changing column data types
  • Adding options for cells of type select


Editable Table In React

Download Details:

Author: archit-p

Live Demo: View The Demo

Download Link: Download The Source Code

Official Website: https://github.com/archit-p/editable-react-table

License: MIT

#react #reactjs 

Editable Table with React | React Editable Table Tutorial
1.70 GEEK