If you’ve heard of the term “serverless architecture” but you have no idea what it means, don’t feel bad. This buzzword (buzz-phrase?) has been on the rise for the past few years, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop. More and more cloud companies are trying to promote serverless architectures for businesses.

But why?

There are plenty of benefits to using a serverless architecture for your business. If you’re ready to take the plunge, dive into why a serverless architecture could work for you.

So What is Serverless Architecture?

“Serverless” technology has two different definitive camps, each that describes their application architecture.

The first is Back-End as a Service or BaaS. This applies to any application that features most of their backend on the cloud. This is usually monitored or maintained by a third-party. You’ll usually find applications that are front-end heavy to exist on serverless architectures. This can include mobile apps or web applications that feature a rich and complex UI.

On the other end of the stick, there is Function as a Service or FaaS. FaaS features an application that runs parts of their code through event triggers. The serverless architecture allows apps to evoke functions on demand. This is useful as it provides flexibility for server-side applications.

Now that we’ve broken down the use cases of serverless architecture, let’s dive deeper. Here are 9 benefits to using a serverless architecture for your project.

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Ten Amazing Benefits of Serverless Technology
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