Simple Alert for vue.js ,Popup Box Component on SweetAlert2


Simple alert(), confirm(), prompt() for Vue.js, using sweetalert2.


  • Provides simple alert(), confirm(), prompt() like DOM Window methods.
  • Based on sweetalert2.
  • Installed as a Vue.js plugin.
  • Promise based API.
  • Support typescript.


npm i vue-simple-alert

How to use it:

install plugin

// main.js
import Vue from "vue";
import VueSimpleAlert from "vue-simple-alert";

  1. Create an alert dialog and return a promise which will be resolved when the OK button clicked. Possible parameters:
  • message: alert message
  • title: alert title
  • type: ‘success’,  ‘error’, ‘warning’, ‘info’,  ‘question’
// alert(message, title, type)
this.$alert("Alert Message.");

This is image title

  1. Create a confirm dialog and return a promise which will be resolved when the OK button clicked. Possible parameters:
  • message: confirm message
  • title: confirm title
  • type: ‘success’,  ‘error’, ‘warning’, ‘info’,  ‘question’
  • reverseButton: set to true if you want to invert default buttons positions
// confirm(message, title, type, reverseButton)
this.$confirm("Are you sure?").then(() => {
  //do something...

This is image title

  1. Create a prompt dialog and return a promise which will be resolved when the OK button clicked. Possible parameters:
  • message: confirm message
  • defaultText: placeholder text
  • title: confirm title
  • type: ‘success’,  ‘error’, ‘warning’, ‘info’,  ‘question’
  • reverseButton: set to true if you want to invert default buttons positions
// prompt(message, defaultText, title, type, reverseButton)
this.$prompt("Input your name").then((text) => {
  // do somthing with text
  1. You can also create a custom dialog box using the $fire method just like the SweetAlert2 fire function.
  type: 'error',
  title: 'Oops...',
  text: 'Something went wrong!',
  footer: '<a href>Why do I have this issue?</a>'
}).then(r => {


This is image title

Download Details:

Author: constkhi

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#vuejs #javascript #vue-js

Simple Alert for vue.js ,Popup Box Component on SweetAlert2
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