React Components and JSX
React Tutorial - Learn React JS - ReactJS course Lesson #2
Render React components with render() method
Define and use JSX expressions - How to define and use Javascript expressions in JSX within {}
React.Fragment and React Fragments for providing a single parent to a JXS expression
Learn complete React in this video tutorial series. A must watch for all ReactJS beginners and learners. With lots of samples, code, practice questions and projects, learn and master React and become an awesome front end developer.
00:00 React Components
01:48 JSX - Javascript XML
04:06 Create a new React Component
08:23 Using React.Fragment
13:34 Sample Code - Return JSX from function
20:25 Sample Code - Using JSX expressions
26:40 Using map in JSX and render
30:12 Render a table using JSX and conditional rendering
41:24 Exercise - React Component with Render and JSX

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React Tutorial -Learn React JS-Course Lesson #2-React Components and JSX-ReactJS Tutorials
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