Instagram Clone - React Tutorial - Tailwind CSS - Firebase - React Testing Library - Cypress

💰Extended paid version (3 hours 30 mins extra):

The stack you will use: React (custom hooks, useContext, useState, useEffect, useRef), Firebase (Firestore/auth), Tailwind CSS, LoadTest, Lighthouse, Vercel, React Testing Library and Cypress E2E Testing.

In this React Tutorial, we will build an Instagram clone! This React project has multiple pages: login, sign up, dashboard (to view/like/comment on photos), and user profiles. The sign-in page will connect to Firebase when a user tries to sign in, and when a user signs up, we will use Firebase auth to store the user in the Firebase auth database. I built this application using React, JavaScript, Firebase and for styling I used Tailwind CSS (which is amazing). You will need knowledge of React to not struggle on this tutorial (useState, useEffect, useContext) and you will need some knowledge of JavaScript to get you by. Once we have built the application we will deploy it to Vercel (of course after using Lighthouse & LoadTest to performance test).

I will build this React tutorial from scratch using Create React App. I walk you through initialising your application, right to the finished Instagram clone. Enjoy this front end development tutorial.

#react #tailwindcss #firebase #javascript #web-development

Instagram Clone - React Tutorial - Tailwind CSS - Firebase - React Testing Library - Cypress
23.50 GEEK