Which PHP Framework To Choose in 2021: Laravel OR Symfony?


The ongoing battle between the two leading PHP frameworks- Symfony and Laravel will come to a closure after you read this blog. This blog has covered the merits and demerits of Laravel vs Symfony 4, along with the difference between Laravel and Symfony, we have covered the detailed categorized comparison on their modularity, scalability, popularity, performance, community, database support, and learning curve.

PHP frameworks are the most popular, preferable, and reliable choices for entrepreneurs to develop their cross-platform web applications. Developers love PHP frameworks’ coding style and believe that they are available handy and follow best practices and methods. The delay occurs because of the difficulty in finding the best-suitable PHP framework.

Laravel Overview

Before we indulge in comparing Laravel vs Symfony 2021, let us answer What is the Laravel framework?

Laravel is the top most famous and useful PHP framework having an expressive and elegant syntax. Taylor Otwell created Laravel in 2011 and availed everyone of us freely(open-source) under MIT license. Laravel uses the MVC architecture pattern for web application development.

Official Website: https://laravel.com/
GitHub stars: 63.9k

Coming to the most searched query, Is laravel frontend or backend? Laravel is a server-side framework, and hence it is useful in backend development. You can create exceptional templating, HTML authentication, routing handling, custom backend logic, predefined architectures, and much more.

Market Usage Statistics of Laravel

Of all the frameworks that exist today, Laravel stands at a market share of 0.35%.

  • Approximately 86,032 live websites are currently using the PHP Laravel framework.
  • In the USA, 307,911 websites are using Laravel.

Use Cases of Laravel framework

  • On-demand streaming web applications
  • SaaS-based applications
  • Multilingual CMS systems
  • Self-hosted website performance monitoring app

Symfony Overview

Now, it is the turn of answering What is Symfony? Symfony is so many things altogether. It is not just a framework; it is a set of reusable PHP components, a philosophy, and a community. Fabien Potencier launched Symfony in 2011 under the MIT license to build robust enterprise applications.

Official Website: https://symfony.com/
GitHub stars: 24.7k

Market Usage Statistics of Symfony

Market Usage Statistics of Symfony

Relatively, the market share of the Symfony framework is quite low at 0.05%.

  • At present, 10,974 websites are using Symfony.
  • In the USA market, 18,998 websites are using the Symfony components or the framework.

Use Cases of Symfony framework

  • Microservices
  • Content Management Systems
  • Accounting
  • Reporting
  • E-Commerce platform
  • Blogs
  • Bots

Laravel vs Symfony Pros and Cons

Let us check out the pros and cons of both these fantastic PHP frameworks: Symfony Laravel comparison. Let us begin with checking the pros and cons of Laravel.

Pros of Laravel Framework

  • Pre-built tools
  • Templating engine-Blade
  • Routing
  • Automation with Artisan CLI
  • Automated testing

Cons of Laravel

  • Backend congestion because Laravel is lightweight
  • Unreliable third-party libraries
  • The vast community size is a drawback here because it gets challenging to find a reliable library.

Pros of Symfony

  • Biggest Community
  • Up-to-date
  • Popular platforms using Symfony, like Drupal, Magento, eZ Publish, recommend Symfony.

Cons of Symfony

  • It has a steep learning curve making it difficult to learn in the beginning as compared to other frameworks.
  • Some applications using Symfony perform slowly because it is dependant on other technologies.
  • Development time is slow because reusable development is for multiple uses.

Laravel vs Symfony Popularity: Read more…

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Which PHP Framework To Choose in 2021: Laravel OR Symfony?
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