How To Install Visual Studio Code On Ubuntu 20.04 | ITzGeek

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Mouse pointer integration – By default, VM will capture your mouse and keyboard when you are working inside a VM. You need to press the Ctrl key to release the capture. Installing guest additions will provide you with seamless mouse support to overcome the capturing of mouse and keyboard.
Shared folders – Exchange files between the host and the VM
Better video support – _VM machine’s screen resolution will automatically change to the size of the VirtualBox window. _
Seamless windows – Windows that are displayed within a virtual machine appear side by side next to the windows of your host.
Generic host/guest communication channels – Enable you to control and monitor guest execution
Time synchronization – Guest’s system will use the host time for time synchronization.
Shared clipboard
Automated logins – Automated guest login using credentials from a master login system

#ubuntu #guest-additions #ubuntu 20.04 #virtualbox

How To Install VirtualBox Guest Additions On Ubuntu 20.04 | ITzGeek
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