It’s easy for developers to make mistakes, but we can prevent them if we know them beforehand.

In this article, we’ll look at mistakes that newbie front end developers make that we can all avoid.

Relying Too Much on Frameworks

Front end frameworks are great. But we shouldn’t rely too much on it. We should still be able to do things on our own if we aren’t using the frameworks that we’re used to using.

Also, we should only learn frameworks once we’re proficient with plain JavaScript constructs and DOM manipulation.

Otherwise, we don’t know why everything works.

Using Bootstrap For Layout

Bootstrap was great when flexbox and grid were releases or when it wasn’t widely available in browsers.

Now we can use both to create layouts for our pages. Even Bootstrap itself uses flexbox and grid for layouts.

Therefore, we should use flexbox and grid for layouts instead of Bootstrap. Relying on Bootstrap too much doesn’t help us too much. And we’ll forget about the fundamentals.

Instead, we should just stick with the flexbox and grid, which makes the layout very easy.

Putting Our Code All in One Place

JavaScript had modules as a standard for a few years, so there’s no reason to have long scripts anymore.

Instead, we should use modules to divide up our code into manageable pieces.

Also, we shouldn’t have global variables anymore. Instead, we have variables we want to export in modules.

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