Developing Asynchronous Microservices

The Microservice Architecture functionally decomposes an application into a set of services. Each service has its own private database that’s only accessible indirectly through the services API. Consequently, implementing queries and transactions that span multiple services is challenging.

In this presentation, you will learn how to solve these distributed data management challenges using asynchronous messaging. Chris will share with you how to implement transactions using sagas, which are sequences of local transactions. You will learn how to coordinate sagas using either events or command messages. Chris will also explore how to implement queries using Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), which uses events to maintain easily queried replicas.

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Further reading about Microservices

Kotlin Microservices With Micronaut, Spring Cloud, and JPA

A Beginner's Guide to Microservice Architecture with Example

Spring Boot Tutorial | Building Microservices | Complete guide From zero to deploy

Build a microservices architecture with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

#microservices #api #web-service #serverless #web-development

Developing Asynchronous Microservices
7.15 GEEK