Coding interviews are hard, and algorithms are probably the hardest part. However, it’s not just about knowing the answer, a lot of interviewers are looking at _how _you tackle the problem. After talking with a lot of seasoned devs, here are some of the things that they look for when interviewing candidates.

Ask questions at the start

The real test of an algorithm question is how you approach it. If you start coding right away, you’re not off to a good start. Take this suspiciously simple task:

Given a set of characters, reverse the order of the characters

Seems straightforward, right? You might be tempted to immediately start coding, but that’s like trying to run before you’ve finished putting on your shoes. Did you ever notice that a lot of in person interview questions are kind of vague? That’s on purpose, the interviewers want to see you fill in the blanks yourself. Even in this simple example, there are some questions:

  1. Are all characters valid?
  2. What is the data type or types we’re working with?
  3. Are we mutating the original input, or returning a new value?

Of course these questions will have to come up _while _you’re coding, but if you think about them before you start, that shows a level of maturity that will set you apart. This is the most **direct **parallel to the real world when you will be given feature tickets and consult on projects. It’s on _you _to make sure theproduct team to nailed down all the desired behaviors, because sometimes they can’t without technical input. Catching edge cases early can save days of work. Trust me.

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Some Non-Code Tips For Coding Interviews
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